Creation Chiropractic Blog - Eden Prairie MN Creation Chiropractic Blog - Eden Prairie, MN en-us NYK RSS Feeder The Wealth Of Info At Your Feet Mon, 16 Dec 2019 04:00:00 -0500 <p>Â</p> <p> There are many things in our daily life when we measure one place to see how something is in another place. For example, the dashboard in our car gives important feedback about what is happening under the hood. The monitor on our desk gives us details about the processing of the computer under the table. And a barometer on the ground can tell us what is going on in the sky.</p> <p> This is true for the body as well. Eye exams can determine dozens of illnesses elsewhere in the body. Nail beds on our fingers can reveal various conditions happening anywhere else. And checking the pulse at our wrist can tell us information throughout the body; especially the heart in our chest.</p> <p>ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂPeople often ask us how we can tell what is going on in their spine by looking at their feet. We can take for granted all the familiar ways we check things during our day, but chiropractic exams follow the same logic as many of these other assessments in our life. Itâs really just another measurement that was available to us all along but we didnât know we could check for it.</p> <p> When we check your feet as you lay on the chiropractic table, the obvious observation is your leg length. Since your legs are extensions of your spine, it will show how your spine is twisting in a specific way. But we can also pick up much more information, such as tiny changes in the muscles which give instant feedback about how the nervous system is functioning. We arenât just simply checking if one leg is shorter than the other. We are also checking to see exactly HOW one leg is shorter than the other, which turns out to be the majority of the assessment.</p> <p> If we look closer at the pulse at your wrist, most people are aware that they can measure the number of beats within a minute, but this assessment goes much deeper than that. Most people can check their heart rate, but it requires a true expert to discern HOW your heart is beating. As it turns out, there are many clinical ways to describe a pulse. Here are some examples of pulse characteristics:</p> <p>Deep, floating, rapid, empty, full, slippery, choppy, long, short, overflowing, fine, minute, tight, wiry, hollow leathery, firm, soggy, weak, scattered, hidden, moving, hasty, knotted, intermittent, racing.</p> <p> As you can see, there is lots going on behind the scene of just counting beats per minute. Anyone can lay someone on a table and get an idea about which of their legs is shorter than the other and by how much. But to know the extra details of all the observations that can be measured requires experience and expertise.</p> <p> What can an experienced chiropractic assessment at your feet determine about what is going on at the other end of you? It can tell us everything we need to know about the location of your nerve interference as well as the direction, timing and nature of the specific force required to correct it. ÂÂ</p> <p> Just like a keener observation of the pulse at your wrist can give specific details about your heart, a well-trained chiropractor can find out a lot about your spine and body by looking at your feet. Regardless of how you feel, we can tell you exactly when, where and how your nervous system has interference and know exactly what to do about it.</p> <p> Any valid analysis should determine how you are regardless of how you feel, and leg length analysis is no different. We are able to find out what the problem is whether you have pain or not. We are even able to tell if the true problem is where your pain is, or often times in a quiet place in another area that may feel fine. For example, someone may complain about left low back pain but their real problem could very well be coming from the right side of their neck.</p> <p> A chiropractor doesnât find all the detailed pulse descriptions listed above because we are simply not trained for that. You also canât expect any other kind doctor to find the specific interference to your nervous system like a well-trained chiropractor. The only way to know for sure is to have an experienced chiropractor check you for the interference no one else can find.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src="" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; width: 600px; height: 400px;" /></p> Innate Nate Wed, 16 Oct 2019 04:00:00 -0400 <p>Â</p> <p><img alt="" src="" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; float: left; width: 266px; height: 400px;" />Thereâs something in Nate that makes him pretty special.<img alt="thumbnail" src="../../../Portals/0/SunBlogNuke/69/27258760_s.jpg" /></p> <p>His toys need batteries or an outlet, but thereâs something special in Nate.<br /> He can catch a baseball in his mitt by eating a banana split!<br /> He can make a saucy smile out of a red spaghetti pile!<br /> He can even draw a carrot by eating a raw carrot!</p> <p>His ripped pants canât fix themselves, but there something special in Nate.<br /> He can make a disappearing scrape, without a magic cape!<br /> He can turn a big cut on his knee into a little line you can barely see!<br /> He can turn his skin black and blue, then back to pink for you!</p> <p>Nateâs teddy bear canât feel anything, but thereâs something special in Nate.<br /> He can turn a joke into a giggle, or a tickle into a wiggle!<br /> He can turn a test into butterflies, or make them fly away if he is wise!<br /> He can make a tear from a shove, or a make a hug into a love!</p> <p>Something in Nate is special, but what, why or who?<br /> There is a power deep inside him, and you have it too.<br /> Everybody has it, and everything at the zoo!<br /> You always had it in you, and it always just knew!</p> <p>Itâs everywhere inside you, as long as you are you.<br /> To give you super powers, no matter what you do!</p> The Phases of Healing: From Drought to Harvest Wed, 02 Oct 2019 03:34:00 -0400 <p>Â</p> <p>Â</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src="" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; width: 600px; height: 400px;" /></p> <p>There are specific phases we go through when we heal, regardless of how we feel along the way.ÂÂKnowing about them can give us perspective on what is going on behind the scenes. It can also encourage us to stick to what it will take to get better.Â</p> <p>Healing phases occur when we are new to chiropractic care or if we havenât had consistent care. The longer we go without care, the more conditioned our body is to dysfunction and the more time and repetition is required to get right again.Â</p> <p>The analogy of a garden is a good way to describe the nature of healing. The various plants are the organs in your body and the soil is the tissues between your organs. The water hose leading to the garden is your nervous system and the water is the nerve supply communicated by your nervous system. The kink in the hose is the interference.</p> <p>Â</p> <p>Phase One:</p> <p>ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂAs soon as the water hose becomes kinked, the garden begins to wilt even though it is still green.ÂÂOver time, the entire garden becomes dry, hard and barren. The spinal misalignment kinking your spine also causes dysfunction immediately, although you may feel fine. Eventually, your entire body is suffering from one little misalignment.Â</p> <p>Unkinking the water hose instantly allows normal water flow to the garden again. Water doesnât have to be added to the hose because the water is just waiting to flow. The garden may look the same for a short time, but the return of growth has become possible again.Â</p> <p>Taking pressure off your nervous system starts the process of healing from the first adjustment. Nothing needs to be added to your body because your inborn intelligence is just waiting to express normal function again. You may not feel better at first, but your body can now begin to heal itself.</p> <p>Â</p> <p>Phase Two:</p> <p>As the hose remains unkinked, water continues to supply the thirsty garden though everything still looks dead and lifeless. The soil is hard, cracked and resistant to absorbing the same water it so easily received when it was green. As water gradually starts to soak back into the soil, the momentum of a constant water supply again makes the soil soft and supple to support roots and life. Once the water seeps deeper through the surface, the seeds and roots can get water for the first time again.</p> <p>In the first few weeks of chiropractic care, inflammation, spasms and pain begin to reduce but are still present. These are important strategies that your body uses to protect you while proper nerve function returns to your body.ÂÂIt is still early in the healing process, so they gradually reduce until they are no longer needed. A clear nerve supply allows your entire body to continue to move out of a survival state towards a thriving state. With consistent care, every cell in your body begins to come alive with full function.</p> <p>Â</p> <p>Phase Three:</p> <p>In the garden, the soil has become fertile for new growth. It may be very obvious on the top soil at this point, but lots of good things are happening below the surface. One of the virtues of gardening is patience, and healing is no different! During this phase, little green signs start appearing as the faithful gardener continues to keep the water supply open. The seeds have begun to open under the surface as new life is springing!</p> <p>It takes several months for your nervous system to begin regenerating because it is one of the slowest healing tissues in your body. If you are new to chiropractic or have never had consistent care, it may be the first opportunity for you to heal at this level. Since most spinal subluxations occur as an infant, almost everyone you know has some form of nervous system degeneration from many years of interference.Â</p> <p>Â</p> <p>Phase Four:</p> <p>This phase takes the longest but the garden becomes the greenest. Since the first signs of life came from the ground, the garden is now on the path to full bloom. There is a gardening saying that we canât make an acorn into an oak tree, but what we can do is supply the resources for the acorn to grow itself.ÂÂOnce it is given the green light for growth, the seed knows exactly what it needs to do to become a perfect oak tree.Â</p> <p>In your body, this longest phase is about rehabilitating everything in your body to its maximum potential. Depending on the length of time and extent of the damage, it will take several years or longer but itâs worth it! Your innate intelligence is literally rehabilitating your body in a way no other expert can, remolding and remodeling all its tissues to optimal function. Creation of new tissue also occurs during this time as the brain rewires its connections as well.Â</p> <p>Â</p> <p>Maintenance Gardening:</p> <p>It is said that we are either growing or we are dying, so anything we care about must be maintained. A robust garden or a healthy body will become weak again if they are not continually supplied with what allowed them to get there.ÂÂ</p> <p>When the garden finally reaches its best, this is not the time to let the garden hose kink again. The water supply has to continue to nourish the garden. When you fly over Arizona, you can see the outline of lawns and gardens and it easy to see where someone cares for a plot of land and what happens to the unkept land right next to it. Everything we want to stay green needs a constant supply of water, otherwise it will turn brown again. We have all experienced how quickly a plant starts to wilt when it is removed from its water supply.Â</p> <p>With consistent chiropractic care, you reach your full potential. Just like anything important in your life, regular care is required to keep your body working at its best and to maintain the nerve supply that allowed it to get well in the first place. Nothing can replace the uniqueness of water to a garden and nothing can replace the uniqueness of chiropractic adjustments to allow you to be your best.Â</p> <p>Youâve put the time and effort into your garden and now you can enjoy the harvest of health!</p> Recovering From Surgery With Chiropractic Tue, 05 Mar 2019 11:31:00 -0500 <p>Â</p> <p style="text-align: center;">âThe person who takes medicine must recover twice,</p> <p style="text-align: center;">once from the disease and once from the medicine.âÂ-William Osler, MD</p> <p>Â</p> <p>Â</p> <p> When people have surgery or any major procedure, they also need to recover from the treatment itself. People often assume that once they are discharged from the hospital, they have no other choice than to accept a usual recovery based on the average recommendation for the average person.</p> <p> The problem with that is the average person is based on someone who does not receive regular chiropractic care. Additionally, the average recommendation is based on the fact that medical doctors and therapists know very little about Chiropractic.Â</p> <p> It may be difficult to understand that spinal adjustments will help you heal better from an incision somewhere else in your body. Because Chiropractic allows the entire nervous system to function better, not just the spine, it also means everything else in your body has a chance to function better as well.Â</p> <p> There are a number of things that must be in place in order for you to heal fully. First, proper alignment is essential because as tissues begin to knit back together after surgery, they will ârememberâ any distortions of abnormal body structures. Connective tissue will simply form to any deviations present at the moment it is created, adding to the dysfunction.</p> <p> This is one reason for the phrase, âhealing wrongâ or âhealing poorlyâ. Technically there is no such thing, but these are descriptions for when the body is attempting to heal but canât because of limitations. Once the initial window of healing is gone, it is a harder road back to normal function.ÂThere is also an increased chance of unnecessary scar tissue, adding insult to injury.</p> <p> Second, an intact immune system is crucial during this time period. Without it, increased swelling, pain and vascular problems are likely. People can even die from something like knee surgery because of complications from otherwise simple infections if the immune system isnât functioning at its best.</p> <p> Third, energy for healing is vitally important. That is why people are so tired when they are sick, much less mending from an injury. The body only has so much energy to produce, so the basic needs of living and stamina are siphoned towards the additional needs of repair and renewal. If your body is working inefficiently, you will have extra weakness that will be blamed on healing instead.</p> <p> Chiropractic adjustments remove interference from your nervous system, which is the master controller and coordinator of your whole body. That allows your body to function at its best, increasing function back to normal again. Alignment, efficiency and immunity all improve, letting you heal as fast and as normal as possible.Â</p> <p> For any concerns you may have about getting adjusted, if you have a difficult time moving, we have numerous ways for you to be in a comfortable position during your care. Even better, we have very gentle techniques available for those in considerable pain and we usually donât even have to contact any painful areas. As it turns out, the true problem is often not where we hurt.</p> <p> As soon as you are able to get in for care, we can help you. Itâs time to stop blaming the recovery process and start addressing interference to the recovery. Whether itâs a recent issue or a chronic complication from years ago, we can help you get back on track so you can truly recover from your recovery.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src="" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; width: 600px; height: 325px;" /></p> Pain Is A Gift Mon, 04 Feb 2019 04:00:00 -0500 <p>Â</p> <p>  Â  ÂÂ</p> <p>ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂThere is a girl from Minnesota who canât feel pain, no matter how hard she tries. Gabby Gingras doesnât even know what it feels like. She would love to experience pain and her family and friends would want that for her too. Her life has been awfully difficult without it, as well as everyone else around her.Â</p> <p> When she was born, her parents didnât have a clue that anything was wrong. If they were looking for symptoms, how could they? Their first indication that anything was off was when Gabby was teething so hard that her fingers bleed and they looked like raw hamburger. Her father said, âshe chewed on her tongue like it was bubble gumâ.</p> <p> Without pain, Gabby scratched one of her corneas so badly that they had to stitch her eyelid closed to try to save it. She then managed to rip the stitches open anyway, resulting in a bad infection that required the eye to be removed. She would eventually get used to wearing safety goggles during the day and swimming goggles at night to protect the one eye she had left.</p> <p> As it turned out, Gabby has a rare genetic condition that results in undeveloped sensory nerves. Only about 60 people are known to have the condition world-wide, and the complications from the inability to feel pain shortens their lifespan. It also complicates their entire lives in the meantime.</p> <p> As a child, any sharp edges in her house had to be cushioned because Gabby didnât have the feedback that prevented her from hitting them. She also needs a personal attendant just to monitor and anticipate anything that could result in the kind of injury the rest of us avoid every day.</p> <p> Along with other things that people who CAN feel donât even think about, people with this condition tend to develop bed sores because they donât naturally turn at night. Their systems donât recognize the subconscious discomfort we arenât even aware of when we are sleeping. When asked on the Oprah Winfrey Show if there was anything Gabbyâs mother wanted to say about her daughterâs story, she simply said, âPain is a gift.â And most Chiropractors want to treat it.</p> <p> As it turns out, the very thing so many people spend criticizing and treating is the very thing that allows us to relate to ourselves and our environment. Pain effectively slows us down so we can heal and it prevents us from hurting ourselves further. It is not only one of the five cardinal signs of inflammation, it could be considered a cardinal sign of life.</p> <p> Treating pain is like disconnecting an oil light without changing the oil. If the auto mechanic did that, we would probably call the better business bureau. The oil light is there for a reason and the worker at the Ford plant would be fired if they didnât connect it in the first place. Instead, people who donât understand the proper relationship to pain will thank the pain therapists on the way out and wonât return until it comes back again to treat the same effects.</p> <p> I remind people that they are allowed to feel whatever they want. Pain is essential feedback from their own unique experience. If someone steps on your foot, how should that feel? If it hurts, you will feel worse than someone who has numbness, yet you are actually functioning better than they are.Â</p> <p> The illusion of the allure of pain relief is that it can be controlled. Big, fancy pain clinics often put ornate facades in their entry way try to instill confidence that people are going to feel better. In reality, they are lying to a good fraction of their client and they donât even know which ones.Â</p> <p> A client once presented with numerous complaints. After educating him about what we do and what we donât do, he decided to begin care. Within a few weeks, he reported that he was feeling much better everywhere except for one particular spot in his midback. When he asked me to âadjustâ there, I gently reminded him that chiropractic honors everything the body does.</p> <p> Over the next month or so when the pain didnât change, he decided to see his medical doctor. They discovered that it was referral pain from a kidney stone. The next time he was in, I asked him what would have happened if my goal was to get rid of his pain and I succeeded at it? Would he have been more or less likely to follow up with that other cause in his life? Exactly.</p> <p> Pain is normal and natural, based on the specific adaptations required by the body at a specific time. Normal sensation in chiropractic means expression without interference. Welcome the sensation, whatever it is, both as someone laying on an adjusting table and as someone standing over a table. ÂPain is there to serve you while it is present and it will remain as long as it is required by the body.Â</p> <p>Pain is truly a gift.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src="" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; width: 454px; height: 400px;" /></p> Cold & Flu Season Again? Fri, 21 Sep 2018 06:49:00 -0400 <p>Â</p> <p>Sometimes in life, the right things get demonized and the wrong thingsÂget the credit. The concept of being sick is a good example. Many people donât understand what sickness really means because they have a sick perception of being sick! When they have cold or flu related symptoms, they often assume it is bad and then try to treat the sickness out of them, but instead, they end up just running their health down. After all, who likes feeling tired, achy and sniffly? And donât healthy people feel good? But if we put it into perspective, dead people donât get any symptoms either! So what gives?Â</p> <p>All these symptoms are coming from an innate intelligence working through our bodies to protect and heal us. Which one of these two functions do you think is bad for us? The answer is neither! A different question might be, why does the amazing intelligence within us need to produce any of these sickness symptoms in the first place?</p> <p>The cold and the flu go together like immune and system. Without this system, your body could never fight off the things it has every moment you are alive; and not just when you feel symptoms. In addition, the immune system is controlled by the most important system in your body, the nervous system. When there is interference to this supreme system, nothing else in your body can possibly work as well, including your immune system.</p> <p>Have you ever noticed that some people are never sick, some people are always sick and yet other people are like dominoes, where it seems like germs just knock down the next person in line? If one person is always sick and another person is never sick, does that mean that germs like some people and donât like others? In truth, germs are around us all the time. We actually have a healthy relationship with them as long as we are functioning properly. Everyone gets the flu. The real question is what are you going to do with the flu?</p> <p>This also means that why we get sick depends on how strong our immune system is before we even get sick, and therefore how well our nervous system isÂworking too. The difference between a cough and a coffin isnât the strength of the microbe we are exposed to, but rather how strong our body is to begin with. After all, there is no such thing as a flu season, but there is such a thing as a compromised season. These are really just the various times throughout the year that we are more vulnerable to the exact same microbes we would demonize if we donât understand how our relationship with the environment really works.</p> <p>Now, here is where Chiropractic comes in: The cause of your health isnât outside of you, depending on germs or anything else. It is inside you! You and everyone you know gets regular interference to their nervous system, called a spinal subluxation. It prevents the intelligent messages trying to communicate between your brain and your body through your spine. This means you must have your spine checked just as regularly as these subluxations happen, and only Chiropractors are specially trained to detect and remove spinal subluxations.</p> <p>If you havenât noticed it yet, this is also a message of empowerment. Once you realize that you can take control of your health, your entire life changes for the better as well. Instead of being fearful that you donât get sick or feel lucky when you donât, or even dreading the symptoms associated with being sick, you can turn your compromise into a promise. And the promise is that as long as your nervous system is working properly, you can be assured that everything else in your body is working as it is designed too, including your immune system. This can only happen with chiropractic care.Â</p> <p>Call today to begin living a life without fear. 952-944-2133</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src="" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; width: 400px; height: 400px;" /></p> <p>Creation Chiropractic is located in Eden Prairie MN and has been proudly serving its community for 25 years.</p> âChiropractic Didnât Work For Meââ Tue, 04 Sep 2018 04:00:00 -0400 <p>Â</p> <p>âChiropractic Didnât Work For Meââ</p> <p>Itâs important to understand what something isÂ</p> <p>before we can understand what to expect from it.</p> <p>If we try to use a screwdriver to drive in a nail, we run into problems pretty quickly.ÂIf we use something that was never designed as a hammer, we will just end up with a dented screwdriver and a bent nail. When we misunderstand something, we canât help but misuse it as well.If something is misused, it will be used for the wrong thing and not used for the right ones. There is nothing wrong with a perfectly good screwdriver, but itâs just the right tool for the wrong job.</p> <p>If we only used a cell phone to make phone calls, it wouldnât be a great use for a great tool but there is so much more! We would be missing out on all the things our cell phone is capable of.When we learn about all the other functions, it becomes surprising how much we were unaware of before but were available to us the entire time. There are numerous articles called, âTen things your cell phone does that you never knew.â If an alien didnât understand anything a cell phone did, they might even brag about what a great doorstop it is!Â</p> <p>ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂThe more we understand something, the more use we can get out of it and for the right reasons. Otherwise, we canât fully appreciate what is available to us to improve our choices and our lives. Worse yet, we could end up cursing a wonderful tool simply because we are using it the wrong way.</p> <p>So what do screw drivers and cell phones have to do with Chiropractic? Great question!Â</p> <p>ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂAt first glance, Chiropractic can look like a good treatment for pain and other conditions. This is because our society has trained us to think that everything is a treatment for something. We only think with what we are familiar with, so why would we think any different about Chiropractic? Chiropractic helps most people feel better but if we stop there, we are missing out on so much more!</p> <p>ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂIf we see a Chiropractor for a particular concern that doesnât go away, we may feel like chiropractic didnât work for us. If someone begins working out and they donât lose the weight they wanted to lose, they could mistakenly think that exercise doesnât work for them. Just look at all the other benefits of exercise they are completely missing out on if they quit too soon or altogether!</p> <p>It can take weeks to months or more before symptoms may go away related to Chiropractic care, and sometimes they donât go away at all because there may be another reason for them. If someone gets in condition with exercise, they may not notice a certain concern such as their blood pressure decreasing because they have a poor diet, but their exercise regime is still always good for them.Â</p> <p>If someone sees a Chiropractor to feel better in a particular way, all their symptoms may not go away, but the adjustments to free their nervous system of interference is always allowing them to function at their best! The unpopular truth is that sometimes other factors cause health problems as well.Â</p> <p>If your nerve channels were free of interference and someone stepped on your toe, how should that feel? If we wanted our toe pain to go away, it could look like Chiropractic canât help us. If someone stepped on our toe and we didnât have pain, that is a medical condition called numbness! Sometimes we can feel worse when we are working just as we should.</p> <p>The goal of chiropractic isnât to feel better: itâs to be better!</p> <p>Symptoms can guide us,Â</p> <p>but they should not dictate whether something is working or not.</p> <p>Can you imagine someone starting to eat healthier because they want to lower their cholesterol level, and if their cholesterol doesnât decrease, they stopped eating healthy?</p> <p>ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂA great thing about Chiropractic is that many symptoms and conditions often go away with consistent care. There is no smoke and mirrors or side effects that are associated with most treatments.</p> <p>The difference is that when people feel better because they are getting spinal adjustments, itâs because they really are better.</p> <p>ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂWe are taught that when we feel good, we are âfineâ. When we donât âfeel goodâ, we go to a medical doctor to get a diagnosis and a treatment. Sound familiar? However, Chiropractic is completely different.</p> <p>ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂOnce we dig deeper, we find that Chiropractic is something much bigger. If we keep an open-mind and are patient, we can get past our pre-conceived notions and move onto the real and wonderful benefits waiting for us.Â</p> <p>Ask questions and then ask more questions. Keep them coming, because we have answers and they are probably answers you may not have thought about before. These kinds of answers may even change the questions you have.</p> <p>Chiropractic ALWAYS Works.</p> <p> Anyone who thinks Chiropractic doesnât work for them is simply trying to hire the right worker but for the wrong job. The Innate Intelligence of your body is the absolutely best worker you could possibly hire. It is the master rehabilitator that allows you to heal and return to a highest level of function. The wrong job is patchwork, while the right job is your fully expressed potential. Let chiropractic do the right work for you and watch your life start working right again.Â</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src="" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; width: 600px; height: 399px;" /></p> Chiropractic Adjustment vs Manipulation & Treatment; The Difference is a Matter of LIFE and Death. Mon, 06 Aug 2018 04:00:00 -0400 <p>Â</p> <p>Manipulation:</p> <p>Moving a tight joint might feel better in that one area but it will not correct a chiropractic subluxation that will let everythingin your body function better. A manipulation is like loosening up a light switch but not actually turning on the lights. Only a specific chiropractic adjustment returns the power back to the entire room again. Manipulations are only about treating the effects but adjustments are about getting to the true cause. Manipulations make the body move the way the doctor thinks it should, but chiropractic adjustments allow the Innate Intelligence of your body to help you be your best.Â</p> <p>Â</p> <p>Stretching:</p> <p>Traction can stretch tender joints and tissues but it cannot address why we arenât functioning right in the first place. Traction can only take second place to the true cause of dysfunction. If a car isnât running right, putting it up on blocks wonât make it run any better but it wonât make a noise if it isnât on the road. Traction demonizes gravity because it doesnât address the gravity of the problem. We are designed for the road and we are designed for gravity. Removing ourselves from our natural environment can only give us the illusion that we have solved the problem when in fact we have only really postponed the solution.Â</p> <p>Â</p> <p>Muscle Therapy:</p> <p>The tone of all your muscles is controlled and coordinated by your nervous system. The only way to have normal muscle tone is to make sure there isnât interference to this connection in the spine. If a muscle is spasmed, that just means the body is creating a natural splint to protect the area. Kneading your muscles out with massage does not respect their function and wonât make you need chiropractic adjustments any less. ÂRespect these little red workers holding us up, moving us around and protecting us from harm. Muscles are just our messengers. Please donât kill the messenger!</p> <p>Â</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src="" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; width: 600px; height: 400px;" /></p> X-Rays and Computer Scans Are Not Required to Receive a Proper Chiropractic Adjustment. Mon, 30 Jul 2018 00:00:00 -0400 <p>Interference Versus Adaptation:</p> <p>X-Rays:</p> <p>X-Rays films will show misalignments of the spine. What they will not show is a chiropractic subluxation. You cannot see how the nervous system is working on an x-ray but since people relate to seeing things, they are often used inappropriately to tie the wrong things to chiropractic care. Unfortunately, x-rays can be used to scare people into care for the wrong reasons. It&#39;s an easy sell because x-rays are psychologically convincing to the person who doesn&#39;t know any better that the doctor "has found the problem". They may be valuable for medical reasons, but x-rays are not required to give chiropractic adjustments.</p> <p>Computer Scans:</p> <p>Spinal scans can measure certain ways the body might be adapting. Although they may seem impressive and can create certainty with lots of colors and numbers, they are also misleading because they cannot actually measure a chiropractic subluxation. Like the difference between the lights coming on in the dashboard and where the real problem is in the engine, lights may flash any number of places on a spinal scan, but only a chiropractic assessment can determine when, where or how a chiropractic adjustment should be performed.</p> <p>Posture:</p> <p>High shoulders and hips can be a sign that the body is adapting a particular way, but they do not show a chiropractic subluxation. They are usually just compensations to other places where the real interference may be occurring. Posture is too general to decide if someone has specific nerve interference. Trying to use posture in a chiropractic assessment is like looking at a tilted computer to decide how it is computing. The machine could be lifted up on one side higher than the other, but the tilt can&#39;t tell us how it is running. The computer expert tests the inside of the computer to make sure it is working correctly.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src="" style="width: 600px; height: 400px;" /></p> Allergies and Your Nervous System Thu, 24 May 2018 02:21:00 -0400 <p>ÂÂ</p> <p>Â</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src="" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; width: 850px; height: 563px;" /></p> <p>If your nose went away, would your allergies go away too? If itâs not the nose that causes allergies, is it what the nose smells or is it something else? And why do different noses react differently to the same thing? Why dont the allergens that people love to demonize, such as pollen, animals, mold and anything else, cause the same reaction in everyone?</p> <p>As it turns out, the thing that determines how each nose reacts to the outside environment is the ability of the intelligence behind each nose, on the inside environment. The nose knows what it knows because this inborn intelligence that created and controls everything in your entire body also controls your nose. And the intelligence in the body is unique to each person and each nose based on the unique demands of each person.Â</p> <p>Even when your nose is red and swollen from allergies, itâs not about your nose or what your nose smells. Your allergic reaction is always an intelligent response by the living intelligence inside you to protect you and heal you. So much so that if you didnât have an allergic response whenever it is required, you would die. And since it is impossible for dead people to even get an allergy, there is something pretty special going on inside you and inside every living person. And that should be respected.</p> <p>Once this perspective is understood, there is respect for this special intelligence in the body and its ability to be communicated from your brain to all the parts of your entire body. This important messaging channel happens mainly through your spine, protected within the bones in your back. When these bones misalign, they interfere with these special messages expressed by the intelligence relayed by your nervous system. This system is especially important when it comes to allergies because it also controls your immune system and any allergic reaction, including what comes through your nose.</p> <p>When someone develops an allergic reaction to something that another person doesnât, it is often because there is interference to the nervous system in the person working harder requiring the reaction. When someoneâs immune system is working well enough, they are able to process potential allergens without expressing symptoms. The result? No allergy. But if someone has a bone misaligned in their spine interfering with their nervous system, this decreases the function of their immune system, ultimately decreasing their ability to fight off allergens appropriately. The result? Allergy symptoms.ÂWithout ever treating a single allergy, most allergies improve or go away completely when spinal misalignments are analyzed and adjusted back to normal again, regaining proper communication in the nervous system, improving immune system function, making sure the allergic response by your body is normal.</p> <p>Only chiropractors are trained to specifically find and address the interference that can cause or complicate your allergies. And since this interference is common, and often people with allergies donât have back or neck pain to prompt them to get their spine checked for misalignments, it is important for everyone to see a chiropractor so they can make sure theyâre body is working right and that their nose knows best.Â</p> <p>Get to a cause of allergies. Get to a chiropractor.</p> A Footnote About Your Spine Mon, 26 Mar 2018 04:00:00 -0400 <p>Â</p> <p>Â</p> <p><img alt="" src="" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; float: left; width: 450px; height: 300px;" />Your feet are the base of your body but your brain is the base of your feet. You may stand on your feet, but you stand because your brain controls your feet. Everything going on at one end of your body is being reported to the other end all the way to the ground. Your brain is fully aware of every demand of every ankle, heel, arch, toe and toenail. Every way you stand, walk, run or sleep and every pair of shoes, surface or circumstance. Your feet canât do a thing without this vital connection and it is all communicated back and forth through your spine.</p> <p> As it turns out, your spine is the most important connection of your entire body. Your brain may be the power source for your life, but any power station is useless without a connection to the places that need power. We tend to realize this is true for our entire body, but often times the feet get left out because they are on the other side of the body. We know full well what happens when we stub our toe and that it is connected to our brain, otherwise we wouldnât feel it. But when we have other foot symptoms, we tend to think they are only foot problems. In fact, many foot issues arenât even a problem with the foot at all.</p> <p> When your brain relates to gravity, it has to compensate for any variations from normal by moving your body underneath it to make up for any differences. These compensations happen from your neck to your low back to your legs and eventually your feet. When you get interference of these important message carried from your brain through your spine, your feet pay a price with everything else in your body. As the spine goes, so go the feet.ÂÂ</p> <p> If you look at a logjam, the problem is higher up the river but all the logs are jammed all the way down the river. Some logjams are miles long but the logjam in your body is only feet long, going all the way to your toes. The jam usually starts at the top of your spine and continues all the way down to the last log. The longest recorded logjam was seven miles long. That means that if you stood on the very last log of the jam, you couldnât see the cause of the problem much farther up the river.</p> <p> The same thing happens with many foot issues. We donât see the real cause of the problem higher up in the body because we may not connect how we feel below with anything above that we donât feel. Many people are standing on a logjam in their feet but have no idea that the cause of the jam may be higher in their spine because all they see are jammed logs as far as their eye can see.</p> <p> Once the cause of the logjam is removed, something kind of neat happens. Without having to touch a single other log, all the logs start flowing down the river again. With one specific movement on top, the rest of the logjam clears itself. This also happens with your body. When a specific interference is removed higher up in your spine, your entire body begins to function normally again. All the way down to your feet.ÂÂ</p> <p> Without having to touch your feet to help them function better, a chiropractor can adjust the jam in your spine and allow the intelligence from your brain to clear the rest of your body and feet. You canât tell where your log jam is coming from based on the log you are standing on and you canât tell where your interference is coming from based on your foot symptoms, so make an appointment today so you can get a foot hold on your foot problem.</p> <p>Â</p> This Is ALL Chiropractic Is About! Mon, 12 Mar 2018 04:00:00 -0400 <p>The Letter â<strong>N</strong>â In Function</p> <p>Â</p> <p>Â</p> <p>A-ÂÂÂÂLife is expressed:</p> <p>1.ÂÂÂÂLife is an expression of body FUNCTION.</p> <p>2.ÂÂÂÂÂBody function is controlled by body CHEMISTRY.</p> <p>3.ÂÂÂÂÂBody chemistry is controlled byÂORGANS.</p> <p>4.ÂÂÂÂÂOrgans are controlled by spinal NERVES.</p> <p>5.ÂÂÂÂÂSpinal nerves are protected by BONES.</p> <p>Â</p> <p>B-ÂÂÂÂLife is interfered:</p> <p>1.ÂÂÂÂÂA spinal subluxation represents a MISALIGNMENT of bone.</p> <p>2.ÂÂÂÂÂA misaligned bone represents INTERFERENCE of nerves.</p> <p>3.ÂÂÂÂÂNerve interference causes DYSFUNCTION of organs.</p> <p>4.ÂÂÂÂÂOrgan dysfunction DISRUPTS body chemistry.</p> <p>5.ÂÂÂÂÂDisrupted body chemistry DECREASES body function.</p> <p>Â</p> <p>C-ÂÂÂÂLife is restored.</p> <p>1.ÂÂÂÂÂChiropractic adjustments RE-ALIGN bone.</p> <p>2.ÂÂÂÂÂBone re-alignment RESTORES nerve function.</p> <p>3.ÂÂÂÂÂRestored nerve function NORMALIZES organ function.</p> <p>4.ÂÂÂÂÂNormal organ function BALANCES body chemistry.</p> <p>5.ÂÂÂÂÂBalanced body chemistry INCREASES body function.</p> Arthritis ... Not Your Parents' Joint Pain Mon, 26 Feb 2018 04:00:00 -0500 <p>Â</p> <p><img alt="" src="" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; float: right; width: 450px; height: 253px;" />There are many kinds of arthritis conditions. Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, osteoarthritisâOh my! But they all have one thing in common: Inflammation of the joints. âArthroâ means joint and âitisâ means inflammation. So, arthritis simply means âjoint inflammation.â However, when it comes to understanding what that actually means as a condition, it isnât so simple.</p> <p>The real concern should be, why? Why do you even have inflammation, whether itâs in your joints or anywhere else? Inflammation is a natural and normal way for your immune system to protect you and heal you. So which one of those things is bad for you? Neither. Inflammation is good for you. Always. So why do so many people seem to have a problem with it? Because it hurts. Because it can be associated with complications in the body. The truth is, if the inflammation we often times donât like so much didnât happen, we would have even more problems.</p> <p>For example, letâs look at one of the latest popular ads for a drug called Enbrel. It shows a famous golfer who was having problems moving due to psoriatic arthritis, until he took this drug. He felt better. But how? Enbrel is one of many anti-inflammatory drugs used to treat or stop inflammation. Well, there is always a price to pay for anything we do to the body that it isnât designed for. If you listen closely to the narrator, he begins to list all the concerns associated with this and the other anti-inflammatory drugs. He lists all kinds of immune system problems that normally we would have no problem fighting off naturally, because anti-inflammatory drugs are given to shut down the immune system. So he can swing a golf club, but now he will have a problem fighting off everything from the common cold to tuberculosis!</p> <p>Luckily, perceptions are starting to change. In our parents day, inflammation was always demonized. âGet rid of it.â âBad inflammation!â Luckily, perceptions are starting to change. That antiquated idea is dying out. Remember, inflammation is the main way our body protects and heals us. Itâs a process that is involved with virtually every other aspect of function, so the immune system is pretty darned important. Inflammation is its main tool. Take that away, and we sign on for all kinds of other issues, even death as a possibility. So what can we do to respect this intelligence running our body?</p> <p>All roads lead to the nervous system. Itâs like the song, âThe hip bone is connected to the knee bone,â only with your body systems. Arthritis pain is caused by inflammation, which is controlled by the immune system, which is controlled by the supreme system that controls everything in the body, the nervous system. And we all get interference to this system, called spinal subluxations. They decrease the function of the nervous system, which decreases the function of the immune system, which often increases inflammation, which often causes arthritis conditions, under many names. So regardless of whatever else you may do to treat the effects of inflammation, get your spine checked to make sure that the systems that control inflammation are working exactly as they should.</p> Uncomfortably Numb; The Growing Opioid Addiction Mon, 19 Feb 2018 04:00:00 -0500 <p>Â</p> <p><img alt="" src="../../../Portals/0/93977864_s.jpg" /><img alt="" src="" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; float: right; width: 450px; height: 298px;" />Humanity, we have a problem. We were sold the idea that pain relief was health itself, instead of just being related to health. We were sold the idea that treating our pain and numbing up our lives was what we needed for a better life. We were sold âbetter health though chemistryâ and chemicals for every ache and pain and condition. We were sold the idea that treating the effects of our problems would get to the cause of our problems. We were sold a lie, and itâs a big one.</p> <p>There are no free lunches and there is no short cut to health. We canât continue to put poisons in our bodies and expect our bodies to be better off. We are now paying the price for that lie with a nation-wide epidemic of addiction and even worse health because of it. Not only are individuals suffering more than ever, their families and friends are suffering as well. Opioid addictions have taken over the country, but there is hope. And itâs a big one.</p> <p>Chiropractic gives people an opportunity to find a way out of their living hell by removing interference to the nervous system and restoring proper communication to the innate intelligence of the body and the source of all life.</p> <p>There are three main ways this occurs:</p> <p>1) Chiropractic helps people recover from addictions. This is possible because Chiropractic adjustments break up patterns in the brain and body that keep people in the same state of mind and the same habits that support addiction. Spinal adjustments help break people out of the addiction prison keeping them locked away from recovery. Research shows that adjustments help people stay free from addictive chemicals, prescribed or otherwise, when going through the twelve-step program compared with those not receiving chiropractic adjustments.</p> <p>2) Chiropractic give people so much relief from pain that it often looks like a treatment for pain. Much like exercise looks like a treatment for weight loss, while the person is just getting in shape again, there is no exercise to lose weight. Exercise just allows people to lose weight if there is weight to lose while they are just moving better. Chiropractic adjustments simply return people to as higher level of function, decreasing the stress on their body and reducing pain in the process.</p> <p>3) Chiropractic ultimately restores normal function to the body which allows the body to return to a better, healthy state, getting to the true cause of pain. Since pain is not the problem itself but rather a secondary condition to the problem, chiropractic gets to the causes of the cause. Instead of disconnecting the oil light, chiropractic changes the oil. So not only does the indicator of the problem go away, the problem itself has been addressed and your car and your body are healthier because of it.</p> <p>The last thing Chiropractic does is the first thing everyone should do. It allows you and your friends and family to stay at your best before you even get to a place that requires you to take dangerous chemicals and pain relievers. It helps prevent the pitfalls that can happen when you arenât working at your best and allows you to recover quickly and without complications.</p> <p>Now you see that Chiropractic gives people a way out of the trap of pain and addiction that is gripping millions of people and lets them avoid these problems altogether. Itâs time, itâs been time, but itâs not too late. Call us today (952.944.2133) Âto help yourself and the ones you love. Get checked for spinal nerve interference to make sure you are working exactly the way you should before you get in a place that makes you uncomfortably numb.</p> The Facts About Fibromyalgia Mon, 12 Feb 2018 04:00:00 -0500 <p><br /> <img alt="" src="../../../Portals/0/69899521_s.jpg" /></p> <p> <img alt="" src="" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; float: left; width: 450px; height: 338px;" />ÂIf we look too closely at our problems, we can be convinced that we have a problem we need to address one way, when in fact, we actually have a different problem that needs to be addressed in another way. For example, if we look too closely at a ceiling light that is not working in our room, we might think that we simply need a new light bulb. But if itâs a switch problem, we need to step away from the light cover long enough to understand the relationship between the bulb and the wire leading to the wall switch. If the lights still donât come on after looking at the light switch, we might think we only have a switch problem. If we take another step back from the room altogether, we might notice that the lights in other rooms of our house are out as well. In fact, if all the lights are out in all the rooms of our house, we donât have a problem with any one room at all.</p> <p> Now, if we look at how we could treat the lighting problem in our house at different levels, they could all be addressed in a certain limited way, for a limited amount of time. If we think the problem is one room, we could light a bunch of candles and we will still be able to see what we want to see in the dark room. If the whole house is dark, we could just get more candles, carry a flashlight, or even run a generator to artificially light the entire house. Problem solved, right? I think you can see the real problem here.</p> <p> It has been said that the only difference between the Dark Ages and today is that today we have artificial lighting. In other words, what have we actually improved? When it comes to the human body and health, the dynamics that run our body functions and their problems and causes are basically the same. Physiology hasnât changed much at all, but our understanding and interventions have dramatically changed. There are more sophisticated treatments for many conditions in the body, but are they actually getting to the real problem?</p> <p> When it comes to the specific condition of Fibromyalgia, there are many ways to treat the symptoms, but no therapy addresses the real cause of what controls all the muscles and connective tissue of the entire body. Therapists can prescribe all kinds of ways to numb up the effects of the problem, but they donât get to the cause of why the problem exists in the first place. Nor can they, because they use candles and flashlights. If we take a step back from fibromyalgia like a lighting problem, we see that no therapy allows the lights to come back on because all the candles and flashlights in the world canât restore the power in a dark house.Â</p> <p> Even if someone feels better with a fibromyalgia treatment, their body isnât functioning any better. Whatâs worse is they have a false sense of success because the house is lighter, but the power is still off. Worse still, since we are only designed to eat food, not only will anything else we consume have side effects, it is poisonous to our system. Thatâs a fact.</p> <p> In a certain sense, Chiropractors are like electricians. We donât carry electricity, but we understand where the electricity comes from in your house and the vital relationship to all your rooms. We find and remove interference between your power source and the lights and restore the connection. Our goal isnât to treat your rooms or to even turn on the lights. But when we restore the potential back to your house, the power is available to turn on your lights again.Â</p> <p> And let me save you the suspense: Chiropractic doesnât treat Fibromyalgia, much less any other condition in your body. But when we remove interference between the Innate Intelligence running your body from your brain through your spine, all the tissues in your body have their full potential returned back to them to function the way they are designed. This includes all your muscle and nerve junctions through your body.Â</p> <p> If all the lights go out in your house, donât blame any one room, and save your candle and flashlight money. ÂIf you are suffering from Fibromyalgia, you will want to make sure your spine is checked for interference so your entire body is working properly, including all your muscles. Fibromyalgia can seem like a daunting condition with limited relief but if we redefine the problem, your outlook can be brighter than ever.ÂÂ</p> CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME (CTS) Mon, 05 Feb 2018 04:00:00 -0500 <p>Â</p> <p>Need a hand with your hand problem? The first thing you need to consider is that maybe you donât even have a hand problem. Thatâs right, I said it. Maybe your problem isnât what or where you think it is. Sometimes problems are exactly where we feel them, but so often they are coming from other areas that we may never suspect because that area feels fine.<img alt="" src="../../../Portals/0/6176889_s.jpg" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; float: left; width: 450px; height: 383px;" />When people are diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome, it is usually related to inflammation and swelling in the wrist and is blamed on over-use activities for the cause. Doctors will observe that there is pressure on the nerve running through the wrist, so their solution ends up as CTS surgery. This translates as cutting the ligaments in the wrist so the bones donât affect the wrist nerve as much, but this is so short sighted! All those bones, ligaments and wrist structures are specifically designed for you. Just cutting perfectly normal structures might make you feel better, but it will never make your wrist function any better.<br /> <br /> Itâs like observing a bucking bronco that keeps hitting the sides of a corral, and then the rancher just deciding to widen the fence! But when the horse hits the side of the wall less, can we really conclude that they have tamed the horse? Of course not! Taking anti-inflammatory drugs isnât much better. That would be like drugging the horse to sleep. Even pain relievers will just numb the horse so they donât feel the same fence, the same way. But you canât argue with the short-sighted logic, if the goal is to just stop hitting the fence. Any of these therapies will change the dynamic of the bronco and the fence, but they will never get to the bucking. Ultimately, the rancher is left with the illusion that they have addressed the cause of the problem and yet, the horse isnât any tamer and the wrist isnât any better.<br /> <br /> Office work and racket sports are common associations with the onset or worsening of CTS symptoms. But why do many other people doing the same activity, as those diagnosed with CTS never develop this condition? Are they trying less than people with carpal tunnel syndrome? There must be other factors that are associated with CTS, and there are. A major âmake or breakâ factor is whether or not there is proper nerve communication from the brain to the hand. Carpal tunnel syndrome is one possible hand or wrist condition that may result in pain anywhere in the arm, but may present just like symptoms that are actually starting from a neck problem as a spinal subluxation. And to boot, your neck may actually feel great! So how can you really know?<br /> <br /> Aside from treating the effects of CTS with drugs or surgery, get your spine checked for spinal subluxations to make sure your bucking bronco is tame before you start moving fence posts or putting your perfectly good horse to sleep. There is a really good reason why your bronco is bucking. Find out why. Giddy up!Â</p> Bent Out of Shape? Scoliosis Mon, 29 Jan 2018 04:00:00 -0500 <p>Â</p> <p><img alt="" src="" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; float: right; width: 450px; height: 450px;" />The spine adapts throughout life with a variety of curvatures, beginning at birth. When these curves become bigger than usual, this condition is called scoliosis. Medically, it is usually first treated with physical therapy. When the curves become bigger, bracing techniques are used to try to slow the progression. When curves get even bigger, you become a candidate for surgery, with all kinds of potential complications. All this for a condition with a cause that is largely unknown.<br /> <br /> WOAH! We need to step back a moment before we can step forward with the right perspective. No matter what anyone decides to do from a treatment route, whether with children or adults, we need to ask a crucial question: Are these curves a normal adaptation of your intelligent body or not? Spinal subluxations will decrease your bodyâs ability to physically react to any of the demands placed on it. They interfere with nerve communication that controls all the muscles that maintain your spinal curves. This is done within the posture and balance systems that give your brain feedback relative to gravity, all through your spinal cord. In order for these curves to be exactly as your intelligent body requires, there can be no interference to this process. Otherwise, these curvatures can be different, worsened or caused completely by nerve interference.<br /> <br /> Many scoliosis symptoms are considered relatively minor, such as decreased range of motion, tightness or posture issues. The main concern for these people is the curvature itself, not usually pain. This is a real testament to how the body can adapt in all kinds of ways without resulting in obvious symptoms until it becomes bad enough, whatever that is for each individual person. The temptation by therapists is to just try and stretch or manipulate the muscles and joint into what they think is normal, based on how they think the body should adapt. This never addresses why the curvatures are there to begin with, and the results show this. This is like trying to barricade a runaway truck with the foot still on the gas and just hoping to slow the truck, which often ends up rolling over the cliff anyway.<br /> <br /> What happens to a snake when there is a stranglehold on its neck? It coils up, even around the very hand holding it. Can you imagine observing all the curvature the snake uses to adapt to this situation, and then just trying to straighten out the snake with the other hand? It doesnât make much sense, does it? Well, this is kind of like what happens to many people with scoliosis. For the best intentions, most things done to assess these people never addresses their bodyâs ability to react appropriately, curves or not.<br /> <br /> Only a chiropractic assessment and regular chiropractic adjustments will get your body working again the way it was designed. For any the uncertainties associated with scoliosis, one thing is for sure: ÂYou definitely donât want spinal subluxations complicating the very curves your body uses to survive. Get checked today and make sure the curves in your road are exactly as they should be.Â</p> Can You Stomach the Truth? All About Digestion... Mon, 22 Jan 2018 04:00:00 -0500 <p>Â</p> <p>There are many related digestive conditions, including everything from acid reflux, heartburn, ulcers, ulcerative colitis, and even mouth, throat and stomach cancer. And they can all have different causes. But do you know the one thing they have in common? They are all dependent on the nervous system to control and coordinate all the tissues involved with digestion. Nerves coming off the spine, communicating vital information from the brain, directly affect your ability to digest.<br /> <img alt="" src="../../../Portals/0/39659088_s.jpg" /><br /> <img alt="" src="" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; float: left; width: 301px; height: 450px;" />Nerves control the muscle that allows the valve to open and close that separates the stomach from the esophagus. This must happen at the right time so that food can move into the stomach and so stomach acids donât move up into the esophagus. If this nerve from the spine is irritated, this valve will open when it shouldnât and stomach acids, which are only designed for that area of the body, can now eat away at your esophagus and throat instead of eating away at your food! This will, in turn, affect things like acid reflux, but if you have it long enough, it can actually result in cancer. Whatâs worse, when people are diagnosed with this, they are given medications to treat the effects without getting to the cause. For example, Pepto Bismol just coats the esophagus to try to prevent the acids from eating it away. But no amount of pink rubber will ever address the spinal subluxations that often lead to this problem.<br /> <br /> Nerves from the spine also control the organs of digestion, such as the liver, pancreas and gall bladder. So the very chemicals that break down your food are created in the right amounts only if you have a good nerve supply. In order to absorb the nutrients in your food, nerves must be involved. If this doesnât happen right, all your good eating habits will be reduced and all those great nutrients will pass through you. After all, what good is good nutrition if you canât even use it? If someone has spinal subluxations, testing of your body chemistry can show a problem in the blood or other place, but may actually just be a trickle down effect from having a problem in your spine.<br /> <br /> As the food moves further down your digestive tract, you are still not in the clear if you have spinal subluxations. The orchestrated movement of your food requires a proper nerve supply from all the nerves that run along your small and large intestines. Finally, in order to eliminate what you are not using, the right muscles have to work in the right way. Otherwise, you can end up with complications like diarrhea or constipation. Â<br /> <br /> In general, digestion requires your body to be in a relaxed state. Any spinal subluxation can put your body in a flight/fight mode called sympathetic dominance. This means that no matter how much you chew your food and take your time eating in a peaceful environment, it will all be worthless if your body itself is not in a peaceful state. This is not possible with spinal subluxation. Get your spine checked today to find out where and how this interference affects everyone, especially those with digestive problems who probably have no idea of this important connection.</p> Feeling Outmuscled By Muscle Problems? Mon, 08 Jan 2018 04:00:00 -0500 <p>Â</p> <p>Many muscle problems get better with chiropractic care, without ever treating muscles, without even trying. How is that possible? Chiropractic focuses on making sure that the intelligence that made your body, including your muscles, is able to communicate without interference. The power that made your muscles is the same power that gives your muscles power! This power is the intelligence that runs from your head to your toes, through your nervous system and spine, allowing your brain to move your toes with proper muscle tone. And then your toes and muscles return the favor, sending vital information back to the brain so it can make well-informed decisions.<br /> <br /> The way to not get outmuscled by muscle conditions is to understand how your muscles work and why they have their tone in the first place. Muscle tone can be increased, which is usually called a spasm, and can produce pain, as well as decreased flexibility and function. But muscle tone can also be decreased, which can often cause similar problems for different reasons. No matter what your muscle tone is, you need to make sure that the tone is exactly what the intelligence running your body needs it to be. That means you canât have interference between your brain and the nerves running through your spine that communicate with your muscles so they work and adapt correctly.Â<img alt="" src="../../../Portals/0/72749660_s.jpg" /><br /> <br /> <img alt="" src="" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; float: left; width: 450px; height: 318px;" />Muscles work hardâ. almost all the time, even when you are sleeping. Ever wake up with a muscle cramp? Exactly. The only time they stop receiving proper nerve signals from the brain is when you have interference to these signals, or when you are dead. And since you arenât dead, without interference, your muscles are doing exactly what they need to do to react and compensate for all the different demands in your life.<br /> <br /> For example, although people donât like muscle spasms, they create a natural splint to protect a specific area for a specific reason. This allows you to heal better when it happens for the right reason, at the right time, as long as there is no interference to the spasm. Often times, the interference is causing the spasms altogether! If you treat this effect, it just takes away from this intelligent adaptation and will never get to the cause of why you have the spasm in the first place. You might feel better, but you wonât actually be better until the interference is removed.<br /> <br /> Always remember that there is a good reason for everything your body does, whether we understand it or not, or whether we appreciate it or not. Just make sure that your muscles are doing exactly what they need to do for you, without interference from your muscle mover, the intelligence within you from your brain. The key is you spine, where the interference happens. This means that your muscle problem, wherever it is and however it is, may actually be a spine problem. So get checked by a chiropractor and donât let muscle problems outmuscle YOU.</p> Your Best New Years Resolution! Tue, 02 Jan 2018 04:00:00 -0500 <p>Â</p> <p>The phrase âyuleâ is derived from the old Norse word for âwheel,â and âyule tideâ refers to the moment when the cycle of the year is at its low point, ready to rise again. Itâs a time for renewal, restoration and re-creation. In fact, our namesake at Creation Chiropractic comes directly from this concept. Some assume there is a religious connotation, but itâs actually just a simple reference to the cause and effect relationship of life; the creation of life from two cells and one Creator, matter from the immaterial, life from seemingly nothing. Â</p> <p>But itâs that ânothingâ that is everything. When it comes to your life, what matters is if it can come to you in the first place. In order for life to be expressed, there canât be any interference between the intelligence that made you andÂ<strong>you</strong>.ÂInnate intelligence is specifically communicated throughout your entire body via your nervous system. This system connects your brain to your big toe, and everything in between. When the bones in your back misalign, they interfere with the intentions of the Creator that made you from two cells and creation can only happen when there is no interference to the cause of life. Spinal subluxations always cause your life to be less than what it should be and could be and since your nervous system controls and coordinates everything in your body, it also controls and coordinates your bodyâs ability to adapt to your outside world as well. So all your experiences, hopes, dreams and every single one of your New Yearâs resolutions depend on your ability to relate to the new year through your nervous system. Itâs a must for every resolution.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; float: right; width: 450px; height: 338px;" />Maybe spinal subluxations have been tapping away at your energy, aspirations and expectations for so long, you donât have goals for the New Year. Maybe they are just so low that you arenât excited about the future at all. Or maybe you havenât even thought about what is possible when your life is at full expression.<img alt="" src="../../../Portals/0/49645753_s.jpg" /></p> <p>Sometimes, life isnât that bad but it isnât that good either. But how would you know? If we get used to something long enough, we could just assume that that is the way itâs supposed to be. And most people can get used to a dimly lit room.</p> <p>Everyone gets spinal subluxations, whether we have any symptoms or not. If you are lucky, you will have feedback from your body telling you to do something. Anything. But most people have no idea that they need to have their spines checked for subluxations because there arenât any obvious indication to do otherwise. Most people think they are healthy until they are not. After all, most hospital beds are full of people who felt fine yesterday. It doesnât have to be that way.</p> <p>So here we are, at the beginning of another year of our lives. Another yule tide, anotherÂ<strong>you</strong>Âtide, a chance for re-creation of the spirit that celebrates inside you, if it is just given that chance. A new YULE! We can either improve ourselves by making sure we are expressing life at our best or we can let our lives fall away into another year of mediocrity of a lesser life with interference. Make sure that your first resolution is to a visit a chiropractor so you can remove the interference to the rest of your New Yearâs resolutions. Your future depends on it.</p> Seniors Have Seniority Mon, 18 Dec 2017 04:00:00 -0500 <p>ÂÂÂÂ<img alt="" src="" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; float: left; width: 450px; height: 300px;" /> Seniors sometimes wonder whether they can participate in things that others do. They might think they are too old or frail or too far gone down a road they canât recover from to benefit from something the rest of society does. Chiropractic is for everyone, regardless of age or condition because everyone has a spine with their potential just waiting inside. Like other things can be modified for different ages and conditions, there are different chiropractic adjustments that can be done in different ways that can be received by everyone.</p> <p> For example, babies eat and move differently than children or adults. They drink breast milk and crawl on the floor, which is the proper nutrition and exercise for babies! Toddlers, teensÂandÂadults have their own unique versions of nutritional and exercise demands. This dynamic is no different for seniors. ÂThey may not go for a run, but they could do yoga, pool aerobics or some other form of low impact exercise. Seniors have their own nutritional requirements as well.</p> <p> Chiropractic care works for seniors the same way. There are a number of low force techniques for people who deal with conditions such as arthritis, difficulty moving or have a hard time even getting on and off the adjusting table. Specific chiropractic also requires only one or two areas to be addressed to adjust the entire spine and it is usually not where the pain is, making it even easier for seniors to receive care. Adjustments only take a minute or two and they can be done in a number of positions so everyone can be comfortable within their individual limitations.</p> <p> Canât sit? No problem! Canât lay face down? No problem! Canât lay down at all? No problem at all! ÂIf you are a senior citizen,Âor have a family member who is, get here and we will take care of the rest.ÂWe all know that our seniors are taking more drugs with poorer outcomes than ever before. We see the printed lists of medications and plastic tackle boxes to organize them, and the lists are only getting longer and the boxes bigger. Wouldnât it be nice to shorten that list or throw it away completely? We think so too! Chiropractic allows everyone to be there best. Yet, our seniors have been convinced they canât be better when in fact, their potential is just waiting inside them to be expressed.</p> <p> At Creation Chiropractic, our seniors also donât have to be in awkward gowns or examination positions. They only need to sign in, ask any questions they might have for the day and then get a simple adjustment. Since there are no appointments after the first visit, it gets even easier. They can just look at our convenient hours offered six days a week and walk right in. Super simple for our seniors; their time, their way, their life.</p> Hello Germs! Mon, 11 Dec 2017 04:00:00 -0500 <p><br /> <img alt="" src="../../../Portals/0/60364054_s.jpg" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; float: left; width: 400px; height: 400px;" />Itâs that time of year again: the Holidays. There are many seasons throughout the calendar year. Related to health, there are also allergy seasons and letâs not forget, the dreaded cold and flu season. The truth is, there are no such things. These are just names given to specific times of the year when many people have similar reactions. In reality, allergies and colds and the flu have more to do with the person than any place or thing. People love to blame the trees, the pollen or even the wind, but allergies arenât about any of these things. Likewise, the problem also isnât about any particular cold or flu bug. Itâs about the person with the allergy, the cold, or the flu.</p> <p>Here is a short course in microbiology, which is the study of the germs and microbes and their relationship to a society that has feared them for far too long. You see, everyone is exposed to practically everything, whether we know it or not or feel symptoms related to it or not. Who we are when we are exposed to anything in our environment ultimately determines how our body will handle it.Â</p> <p>The famous chemist, Louis Pasteur, was one of the founders of the popular germ theory. However, on his deathbed he admitted to his colleagues, âIt is the soil, not the seed.â The seed is the germ that is often demonized for causing illnesses such as allergies, colds, the flu, or worse. The soil is your body, the terrain that seeds grow in if your body is comprised. So really, what we have at various times of the year areÂ<strong>compromised</strong>Âseasons. It all depends on how we are, not the time of year or even the environment. Why do some people react to pollen and others donât?Why does the flu bug seem to affect some people but not others? Do germs like some people but not others? Of course not! It depends on how we take care of ourselves and in particular, how our immune system is functioning.Â</p> <p>DD Palmer, the founder chiropractic, said this:</p> <p>One question was always uppermost in my mind in my search for the cause of disease. I desired to know why one person was ailing and his associate, eating at the same table working in the same shop, at the same bench, was not.</p> <p><strong>Why?</strong></p> <p>What difference was there in the two persons that caused one to have pneumonia, catarrh, typhoid or rheumatism, while his partner, similarly situated, escaped?</p> <p><strong>Why?</strong></p> <p>This question had worried thousands for centuries and was answered in September 1895.</p> <p>Your nervous system controls everything in your body, including your immune system. When you have interference in this system, nothing in you works as well. With chiropractic adjustments, the intelligence running your body is expressed again fully, allowing your immune system to also work optimally. There have been studies done to show that there is about a 60% increase in immune system function with chiropractic adjustments. Wow! What is really misleading is that your back may even feel great, but your immune system could be dramatically compromised, setting you up for the next set of symptoms at the next comprised season.Â</p> <p>So stop blaming the latest pollen count or the bug that seems to go around preying on people like some kind of monster. The only thing you really have to fear is a misunderstanding of the basic concepts about how your body really works and is designed to protect you if we simply recognize our relationship with the things around us. Schedule an appointment with a chiropractor today to find the interference that is preventing you from being your best. Start fighting off the things that have gotten you down so you can live a life again with the function that is your birth right instead of a life with dysfunction and fear. Chiropractic will truly help you make it the most wonderful time of the year.</p> <p>Â</p> COLD & FLU SEASON HELP! Mon, 27 Nov 2017 04:00:00 -0500 <meta property="og:image" content=""> <p>Â</p> <p><img alt="Cold and Flu Season Help" src="" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; float: right; width: 450px; height: 293px;" />Sometimes in life, the right things get demonized and the wrong things get the credit. The concept of being sick is a good example. Many people donât understand what sickness really means because they have a sick perception of being sick! When they have cold or flu related symptoms, they often assume it is bad and then try to treat the sickness out of them, but instead end up just running their health down. After all, who likes feeling tired, achy and sniffly? And donât healthy people feel good? But if we put it into perspective, dead people donât get any symptoms either! So what gives? Well, all these symptoms are coming from an innate intelligence working through our bodies to protect and heal us. Which one of these two functions do you think is bad for us? The answer is neither! A different question might be, why does the amazing intelligence within us need to produce any of these sickness symptoms in the first place?</p> <p>The cold and the flu go together like immune and system. Without this system, your body could never fight off the things it has every moment you are alive, and not just when you feel symptoms. In addition, the immune system is controlled by the most important system in your body, the nervous system. When there is interference to this supreme system, nothing else in your body can possibly work as well, including your immune system.</p> <p>Have you ever noticed that some people are never sick, some people are always sick and yet other people are like dominoes, where it seems like germs just knock down the next person in line? If one person is always sick and another person is never sick, does that mean that germs like some people and donât like others? In truth, germs are around us all the time. We actually have a healthy relationship with them as long as we are functioning properly. Everyone gets the flu. The real question is what are you going to do with the flu?</p> <p>This also means that why we get sick depends on how strong our immune system is before we even get sick, and therefore how well our nervous system is working, too. So the difference between a cough and a coffin isnât the strength of the microbe we are exposed to, but rather how strong our body is to begin with. After all, there is no such thing as a flu season, but there is such a thing as a compromised season. These are really just the various times throughout the year that we are more vulnerable to the exact same microbes we would demonize if we donât understand how our relationship with the environment really works.</p> <p>Now, here is where chiropractic comes in: The cause of your health isnât outside of you, depending on germs or anything else, it is inside you! You and everyone you know gets regular interference to their nervous system, called a spinal subluxation. It prevents the intelligent messages trying to communicate between your brain and your body through your spine. This means you must have your spine checked just as regularly as these subluxations happen, and only Chiropractors are specially trained to detect and remove spinal subluxations.</p> <p>If you havenât noticed it yet, this is also a message of empowerment. Once you realize that you can now take control of your health, your entire life changes for the better as well. Instead of being fearful that you donât get sick or feel lucky when you donât, or even dreading the symptoms associated with being sick, you can turn your compromise into a promise. And the promise is that as long as your nervous system is working properly, you can be assured that everything else in your body is working as it is designed too, including your immune system. This can only happen with chiropractic care. Call today to begin living a life without fear.</p> Do Your Blood Pressure Issues Make Your Blood Boil? Mon, 20 Nov 2017 04:00:00 -0500 <p>Â</p> <p><img alt="" src="" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; float: left; width: 400px; height: 400px;" />Getting frustrated by your blood pressure issues? Many people are told they have high blood pressure. Some are told that they have low blood pressure. Either way, the concern immediately goes to just trying to treat the effects of the blood pressure, often times with no success. Although this may sound logical on a certain level, there are a number of assumptions associated with it once we get a better understanding of what blood pressure really is. Whatâs worse, they are usually unaware of a common, significant cause: spinal subluxations.<br /> <br /> Have you ever wondered what makes blood pressure âhighâ or âlow?â We all have an innate intelligence working within us from conception and it knows exactly what the pressure should be for every moment of any of the demands required of our living body. The cardiac system alone cannot determine this because everything, including the heart, gets its marching orders from the supreme system that controls and coordinates everything in the body: the nervous system.<br /> <br /> This vital system is monitoring the demands on the body and responds perfectly when there is no interference. If there is a spinal subluxation interfering with the nerves that detect stress, and also with the nerves allowing it to adapt accordingly, that same intelligence cannot communicate its needs as it should. When there is no interference, if blood pressure is higher or lower than common, the body is doing exactly what it must to survive. If it didnât, you would die.<br /> <br /> How can blood pressure be higher or lower than normal and still be right? Imagine yourself exercising. If you were to measure your blood pressure, it would be much higher than when you are at rest. That is because your demands are much higher with exercise. If your pressure didnât increase, you would pass out. What determines whether the body is doing something appropriate or not? Again, it is your bodyâs ability to adapt through your nervous system, and specifically through clear nerve channels in the spine that connect your brain to everything else in your body. Many people are walking around with backs and necks that feel great, yet they have spinal subluxations interfering with the brain&#39;s ability to communicate with the cardiovascular system, which often results in high blood pressure, or even low blood pressure, depending on the person.<br /> <br /> Some fascinating research has shown that people with blood pressure issues had their numbers improve as if they were taking several blood pressure medications, in a span of just one month of spinal adjustments. Now, chiropractic doesnât treat blood pressure, but isnât this an important fact to know? How many people do you know, including yourself, who might have tried everything to treat their blood pressure, but nothing seems to help? Many of them might simply have spinal subluxations complicating their condition. There is no such thing as a âblood pressure adjustmentâ but what there is for everyone is a specific chiropractic assessment for everyone to know if and when they have this interference.<br /> <br /> Get checked today and make sure your blood pressure is exactly what it should be.Â</p> Scared Of Care Mon, 13 Nov 2017 04:00:00 -0500 <p>Â</p> <p>Â</p> <p>       Â<img alt="" src="" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; float: left; width: 450px; height: 313px;" />There are many reasons why people seek Chiropractic. Some are curious, some are excited, some are determined and some are just plain exhausted. Regardless of the motivations to begin care, there are also many people who stay home and are not receiving the care they so desperately need. They are uncertain because chiropractic seems so different and even scary compared to what they already know or do.ÂÂ</p> <p> Sometimes people donât do things because they think they wonât like it or they have actually experienced something they donât like. Much of the time they have heard things second hand from someone else that may not even be true or they have had a bad experience that was simply unnecessary.</p> <p> There are different ways to remove nerve interference with different chiropractic techniques much like there are different ways to get in shape through different forms of working out. Whether it is weight lifting, running, swimming or a specific sporting activity, there is a way for everyone to become fit. There are chiropractic adjustments that are manual and more traditional and there are also other techniques that use such low force, they can barely be felt at the point of contact.</p> <p> Spinal adjustments can be done on pregnant women, infants, elderly and the injured. They can be done on people who are missing limbs or organs, those who have had surgery and those who canât even lay down. There is virtually no reason for someone not to receive chiropractic care unless they are having an immediate emergency crisis, and then they are able to start care as soon as they are stable again.ÂÂ</p> <p> One concern by those in pain is if the adjustment is going to hurt. The great news is that the adjusting contact point is rarely the same area where the pain is and even if it was, very low force adjustments can be done virtually anywhere without discomfort of any kind.ÂÂ</p> <p> Other concerns may be compromising positions or having invasive exams. For whatever experiences you may have had in medicine and therapy, your experience at Creation Chiropractic doesnât involve any of these concerns, even if you have had a negative experience at another office. Our goal is to deliver the most specific and scientific chiropractic adjustments, allowing your body to function at its highest level while having you be as comfortable as possible. We promise to give you a different and better experience than any you have had before. Anyone can benefit and truly be at ease at Creation Chiropractic. Call us today and find out what youâve been missing.Â</p>