Creation Chiropractic - Eden Prairie, MN
Celebrating over 30 years of Excellence in Serving Our Community

300 Prairie Center Drive, # 200
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
CALL 952.944.2133 TODAY!


What is "Specific Chiropractic"

Specific ChiropracticChances are you haven’t experienced the LIFE-changing & LIFE-saving effects that only specific Chiropractic provides. Even If you have been to a Chiropractor, you probably have not had a specific Chiropractic adjustment.

Here is a quick test to find out if you have had specific Chiropractic care: Did you have a pre-exam before each adjustment to make sure you needed one? Did you have a post-exam after each adjustment to make sure you were clear of subluxations? Did they only have to contact one or two specific places per adjustment? Have you ever not needed an adjustment on any one visit? If not, you have not had specific Chiropractic care.
The difference between specific Chiropractic and spinal manipulation / spinal therapy is HUGE; and that difference can be life and death. Specific Chiropractic doesn’t treat anything, but many conditions go away when the cause of the condition is removed with specific Chiropractic adjustments.

People often think the pain itself is the problem, but the real problem is the cause of their pain. Can you imagine going to an auto mechanic if a light came on your dashboard and they pulled out a pair of scissors to snip the wire going to your engine to shut the light off? This is similar to what happens when a therapist just treats the effects of the problem without addressing the cause? With the indicator (symptom) gone, any motivation to look for the cause goes away as well, while the same condition is still there and getting worse. No wonder why society is getting sicker and sicker while getting further and further away from health!

Although therapy might feel good, like disconnecting an oil light, it will never address the cause of the condition behind your pain. It can only numb, patch and treat the effects of the real issue. No exercise, stretching, traction, stimulation, needle, ointment, orthotic, or tape will remove a spinal subluxation. This is the single job of the specific Chiropractor.

The number one question we ask in our office is “Why?” Why would your intelligent body adapt with a muscle spasm? Why would an intelligent body adapt with inflammation? Why would your intelligent body adapt with pain? Regardless of the condition, there is a good reason why we have any symptom.

There is always an intelligent reason why your body needs to do whatever it does, whether we understand it or not, or whether we appreciate it or not. "Why” is a magical question. When we ask “Why”, we can get to the true cause of the problem. And the true cause in your body, is the inability to adapt. Spinal therapy just manipulates fixations, numbs pain, and hampers muscle function. Specific Chiropractic simply removes the interference, allowing your body to get back to being your best.

Are you ready to be your VERY BEST? Call us today! 

CALL 952.944.2133 TODAY!