Creation Chiropractic - Eden Prairie, MN
300 Prairie Center Drive, # 200
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
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Creation Chiropractic Blog - Eden Prairie MN

Autism From A to A

Posted: May 6, 2016
By: Vicki Fox

Written by Dr. Matthew Alvord DC, DPhCS

As you may already know, autism rates are climbing astronomically.  Until just decades ago, the rate within society was never more than 1 in 10,000.  The latest rate now ranges from 1 in 68 to 1 in 45!  Something huge is happening to our children and our society.  An MIT professor has even declared recently that if something doesn’t change by the year 2025, half of all children born in the United States will have autism.  Wow. Do you know what kind of health problem that would mean to our society?  I can’t imagine and I don’t want to.  What I do want to do is talk about what can help these statistics and all the children behind them, because there are also a number of things associated with what causes autism and what helps children with autism once they are diagnosed with it.

With the different factors and areas of the body that affect autism, the greatest concern is the effect in the brain. Whether someone has autism or not, everything bounces off the brain and all roads to and from the brain pass through the spine.  When bones in the spine misalign, they commonly interfere with signals directly affecting the brain.  Over half of every single message that goes to the brain from the body is coming from the spine and almost 90% of this important feedback is coming from the upper neck, which surrounds the brain stem.

Enter Chiropractic.  It is very important for everyone to get their spines checked for nerve interference because spinal interference has been shown to dramatically affect brain function.  There have also been a number of studies showing that adjusting spinal misalignments back to normal not only helps brain function in general, but it specifically helps any of the autism spectral disorders.  That means when children who have autismsee a chiropractor, they have an increased chance of having their symptoms improve, some so dramatically that they no longer have the diagnosis that made their parents bring them in!

Children with autism are trapped.  Everyone else can get from A to Z but they just stay stuck on A, and do it over and over and over again.  A could be anything, but it just represents the inside world they keep repeating because they can’t get out.  Getting to B is just a pipe dream for these kids. They never get a chance to move on and outside themselves, to a world where life is meant to be lived from A to Z. 

There is also a lot of stress that affects everyone around this condition as well.  Families dealing with autism have divorce rates as high as 80%.  The rippling affects of autism can cause a crippling affect around them for the rest of their lives.  But it doesn’t have to be this way.   Regardless of the rates of autism, things can get better with a better understanding and a better approach. It may be that some children stuck at A will never get to Z but with Chiropractic, it is possible for these children to get a new jump start from A to B to C.

Monthly Mayhem

Posted: March 31, 2016
By: Vicki Fox

Written by Dr. Matthew Alvord DC, DPhCS

Ever heard the song about how the foot bone is connected to the hipbone and the hipbone is connected to the backbone? Well, the same thing is true for all the nerves in your body, and everything in your nervous system is connected through the spine in your back. That also means that every organ that hangs from the nerves off your spine like puppeteer strings are completely dependent on a properly functioning spine.  Every organ must communicate with the rest of your body, especially your brain.  When bones in your spine misalign, important messages from your brain cannot properly get back and forth, to and from the rest of your body.

The uterus is one of those organs. If we get back to the body song, we can even say that female organs are connected to the neck! Since most of the misalignments that happen in the spine occur in the brain stem area of the upper neck, we also know that many issues that happen with the uterus are really neck problems!

What kind of female problems? How about those monthly issues that last way too long before the next one, or never seem to go away at all? How about more intense symptoms when they do happen? How about having to rearrange your entire schedule be a slave to these issues? How about thinking any of these issues are normal, just because you’ve always had them!

How about difficulties with pregnancy or even getting pregnant at all? How about abnormal positions of the baby? Or how about complications with cysts, fibroids or other uterine issues that threaten a hysterectomy?

Just because hysterectomies are common doesn’t make them normal. And contrary to popular belief, you need your uterus for more than having babies. If it didn’t belong there, it wouldn’t be there because there are no extra parts in the body. So even after someone has their babies or if they don’t have them at all, that important organ is involved with lots of other functions for proper health, especially hormone balance. Does that one sound familiar?

It is common to have spinal misalignments, especially in the neck, that cause or complicate the direct function of the uterus and your hormone system. Chiropractic adjustments have actually been shown to change and improve blood chemistry, including hormone balance. The body is an amazing creation that if given the chance to function without the interference that chiropractors are specifically trained to find and correct, it is possible to recover from many uterine conditions that may not have seemed possible before this connection is truly understood.

Too Much Negative Self Talk

Posted: March 31, 2016
By: Vicki Fox

Written by Dr. Matthew Alvord DC, DPhCS

Hesitation:  “Chiropractic seems so different.  I’m used to medicine so maybe I will just keep doing what I already know.”

Fear:  “Does chiropractic hurt?  I know medicine often does.”

Cautious: “Is chiropractic care expensive? I really can’t afford much more.  All my medical bills have maxed out my insurance.”

Confusion: “I read that you don’t treat anything.  How are you going to help me without treating my problem?”

Distracted: “Maybe I will come in after I try another therapy someone just told me about and see if that helps my problem.”

Procrastination: “I’ve got so much to do right now.  Maybe next week.”

Concern: “I’m not sure you can help me.  I’ve been to so many doctors and no one seems to know what my problem is.”

Anger: “I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired!  I don’t want to get my hopes up or get talked into anything!”

Sadness: “I have so many problems and anything I have done has only made it worse.  Maybe I’m just not supposed to get better.”

Depressed: “I can’t get better because my doctors told me so. I’m just supposed to live with my health problem.”

Anxious: “I just can’t sit through another long exam and treatment… the waiting and the gowns and poking and prodding!”

Skeptical: “How can you help me when I’ve been to doctors who specialize in my problem and they couldn’t even help me?”

Desperation: “Can this really help me?  I’ve been to so many different places looking for help and not finding it.  I have no where else to go.”

Denial: “My problem isn’t that bad.  I can live with it.  I have always known that I have a high pain tolerance.”

Worried: “I’m so young.  If I’m this bad now, how bad will I be when I get older?  Maybe I won’t even make it that long.”

Bitter: “I’ve had so many medical procedures go wrong for me.  I just can’t afford to have something happen bad to me again.”

Embarrassed: “I’ve got a health problem that I have a hard time talking about.  How can you help me when I can’t even tell you about it?”

Annoyed: “My doctor tells me there is nothing wrong with me and it’s all in my head, but I just know they aren’t right.  It’s not in my head!”

Jealous: “Everyone in my family is healthy except me.  I must be unlucky.  I always to have to watch everyone else have fun in life.”

Overwhelmed: “I’m on so many medications and now they want to put me on even more!  There has to be another answer.”

Sensitive: “I’m hurting so bad I don’t know how I will be able to get the care I need, even if it helps me.”

Lost: “My doctor told me that chiropractic can’t help me so there is no sense in even getting started.”

Suspicious: “Will I get locked into a contract? Everyone seems to have to do that nowadays.”

Ashamed: “I know I should have come to a chiropractor a long time ago but maybe it’s just too late to even get started now.”

Doubt: “My friend tried chiropractic and it didn’t work for them so why would it work for me?”

Hopeless: “The doctors are having me do more and more but I keep getting worse and worse.”

Confident: “I feel pretty good but if I ever have a problem, I will come in as soon as it starts.”

Have you heard enough? Its time to call us: 952.944.2133

The Nose Knows

Posted: March 24, 2016
By: Vicki Fox

Written by Dr. Matthew Alvord DC, DPhCS

If your nose went away, would your allergies go away too? If it’s not the nose that causes allergies, is it what the nose smells or is it something else? And why do different noses react differently to the same thing? Why dont the allergens that people love to demonize, such as pollen, animals, mold and anything else, cause the same reaction in everyone?

As it turns out, the thing that determines how each nose reacts to the outside environment is the ability of the intelligence behind each nose, on the inside environment. The nose knows what it knows because this inborn intelligence that created and controls everything in your entire body also controls your nose. And the intelligence in the body is unique to each person and each nose based on the unique demands of each person. 

Even when your nose is red and swollen from allergies, it’s not about your nose or what your nose smells. Your allergic reaction is always an intelligent response by the living intelligence inside you to protect you and heal you. So much so that if you didn’t have an allergic response whenever it is required, you would die. And since it is impossible for dead people to even get an allergy, there is something pretty special going on inside you and inside every living person. And that should be respected.

Once this perspective is understood, there is respect for this special intelligence in the body and its ability to be communicated from your brain to all the parts of your entire body. This important messaging channel happens mainly through your spine, protected within the bones in your back. When these bones misalign, they interfere with these special messages expressed by the intelligence relayed by your nervous system. This system is especially important when it comes to allergies because it also controls your immune system and any allergic reaction, including what comes through your nose.

When someone develops an allergic reaction to something that another person doesn’t, it is often because there is interference to the nervous system in the person working harder requiring the reaction. When someone’s immune system is working well enough, they are able to process potential allergens without expressing symptoms. The result? No allergy. But if someone has a bone misaligned in their spine interfering with their nervous system, this decreases the function of their immune system, ultimately decreasing their ability to fight off allergens appropriately. The result? Allergy symptoms. Without ever treating a single allergy, most allergies improve or go away completely when spinal misalignments are analyzed and adjusted back to normal again, regaining proper communication in the nervous system, improving immune system function, making sure the allergic response by your body is normal.

Only chiropractors are trained to specifically find and address the interference that can cause or complicate your allergies. And since this interference is common, and often people with allergies don’t have back or neck pain to prompt them to get their spine checked for misalignments, it is important for everyone to see a chiropractor so they can make sure they’re body is working right and that their nose knows best. 

Get to a cause of allergies. Get to a chiropractor.

Fever Achiever

Posted: March 2, 2016
By: Vicki Fox

Written by Dr. Matthew Alvord DC, DPhCS

Are fevers good or bad? What should I do about them? And where do they even come from? These are some of the questions people have about fevers. Many people fear them, but almost everyone misunderstands them. Let’s get one thing straight: 

Fevers are a good thing. 

Without them, we would die. So where does the fear come from? There can be rare complications related to fevers but the fever itself is always there to get your body temperature to a level that will allow your body to best fight off an infection, and that is always good. Fevers are like the Good Samaritan at the scene of the crime. Sometimes they get blamed just for being present during health issues, but they are always the Good Samaritan. They are always there to help us.

Fevers are produced by a combination of processes in the body. First, your immune system detects something that requires a reaction. Secondly, it sends signals to your brain to increase muscle contraction throughout your body. Third, the increased muscle activity increases body heat to the right temperature to optimize healing. This is because many germs will not function well when your body temp is raised. And regardless of whether or not your body needs a low grade or high grade fever to accomplish the task, your body always brings your temp to the exact amount it needs to burn off those germs.

All this is controlled and coordinated through your nervous system, which is made up of your brain, the spine in your back and all the nerves connecting everything else. The intelligence running your nervous system is always intelligent and therefore everything it does is intelligent, including fevers. Our main concern is to make sure that there is no interference to the process controlling your fevers. We do this by analyzing your spine for misaligned bones that interfere with your nerves, interfering with the intelligent messages communicated between your brain and your body, and ultimately any fevers.

In a way, we could call the intelligence in your nervous system your “fever achiever.” The same system that causes your fever is the same system that reduces your fever when it is no longer needed. It always creates a fever for a very good reason and takes it away when that reason is gone, and not a moment before. The bottom line is that you don’t want to demonize your fevers or any process of the body trying to protect or heal you. Just make sure to get your spine checked for interference to make sure your fever achiever can achieve for you.

A Gift of Love

Posted: February 12, 2016
By: Vicki Fox

This is a guest blog from a man who gifted our services to his wife.

My wife and I met about eight years ago. She was that cute girl across the bar that I couldn’t stop looking at. A friend of mine said I should go talk to her and I worked up the courage to say hi and well… we never looked back. We learned all sorts of things about each other. What was our favorite foods, hobbies, activities, and also things we didn’t agree on like what TV shows to watch. One thing I learned about my wife was that she had terrible allergies. She calls them seasonal allergies and she was taking all sorts of over-the-counter meds almost every day. I didn’t think much of it over the years. She seemed to have them under control and I didn’t have the problem so for me it wasn’t a topic of conversation all that often.

That changed in the spring of 2015. She seemed to be getting worse. The Kleenex box went from the bathroom to the bedroom because her nose was running so bad. Her nose was getting sore like you see in the winter during the cold season but this was spring and not a cold so what the heck was going on?!?!? It was starting to change our daily routine and not in a good way. I was noticing her sneezing and her nose running a lot more than ever before. When you see the person you love dealing with something like this every day it makes you want to do anything to fix it.

So, I started reading. I read about why allergies exist and what function they could possible serve. I also consulted with people who are more educated in the health fields and that’s where Matt and Vicki from Creation Chiropractic came in. I met them at a networking function and we got to talking about the subject. Dr. Matt explained to me how our bodies are just like any other machine. We are full of sensors that connects everything in our body to our brains. He told me how there were 3 trillion messages each second running through this system that tell the body to move, feel, taste, and so on. Well, the part nobody thinks about it the feedback we get from this same system. When I burn my finger I feel the pain and my brain instructs me to move finger. Our organs and other systems work the same way and sometimes in ways we cannot feel directly. It was fascinating and very informative. Dr. Matt has a way of explaining things with analogies so it was easy to pick up.

How can a chiropractor fix my wife’s allergy problems? Well, they can’t. At least not directly. This is what I found most interesting. Dr. Matt wasn’t going to cure her allergies. He was simply going to get her nervous system in proper working order and in turn that would likely fix the other issues we were having. Just like a coax cable ran to your TV for cable your nerves carry data to your extremities, organs and your brain.  If you kink a coax cable the signal is weakened or completely cut off. Your body has millions of these cables (nerves) running all over and they too can become kinked. When that happens your body is so amazing it creates work-arounds and eventually grows around the problem. This may sound like a good solution but it’s actually a form of atrophy. It’s taking a step back in your life.

I realized I needed to get my wife in to see Dr. Matt. Only one problem…  She doesn’t like chiropractors. She comes from the veterinary world and is very much a believer in modern medical technology and had a negative impression of chiropractors. She was reluctant to see Dr.  Matt but after some begging I was able to get her to do the orientation visit at Creation Chiropractic in Eden Prairie. Matt and Vicki were awesome and explained everything I just explained above to my wife. They made her much more comfortable with chiropractic care and after some talking she decided to get the adjustment and sign up for a month of unlimited adjustments.

The first one was a little scary for her. She wasn’t used to a neck adjustment and was a little shocked from the feeling. At first she didn’t like it. In fact that day she felt off and a little woozy. We were told this was possible and that the wooziness would go away in a day or so. It did and the great thing is that was an indicator that we were doing the right thing. She was feeling nerves that had been kinked for years. Matt was quick to let us know we needed to get right back in to maintain what we had done. It’s easy for those nerves to go right back where they were and lose progress. So she proceeded to go in about three times per week and guess what: Her allergies were starting to go away. Not only that but she had some back pain from her job (lifting large dogs all day at the clinic) and that started to go away as well. It was like a new person had emerged. She will continue to get care with Matt and Vicki at Creation Chiropractic. We live in Minneapolis and are happy to make the trek to Eden Prairie to See Matt and Vicki at Creation Chiropractic. The outcome has been great and nothing we ever expected.

When you love someone it’s amazing to help improve their life in an impactful way. Especially with things that are painful or impeded on your day to life. I’m amazed at what people live with and don’t even try to fix. Sometimes all you need is a great chiropractor like Dr. Matt.

We would highly recommend Matt and Vicki at Creation Chiropractic. Thanks for all of your help!

---Matt and Jamie

A Lot Different and a Whole Lot Better!

Posted: February 8, 2016
By: Vicki Fox

Written by Dr. Matthew Alvord DC, DPhCS


How long will it take?

-Relief usually begins in the first few weeks.

-Everyone is different, with different goals.

-One visit or a lifetime. You are always in control.

-The longer you go, the more you benefit.


How much will it cost? 

-Care at our office is very affordable.

-Single adjustment, monthly, and annual plans.

-Consultations and exams are always FREE.

What about my insurance? 

-You don’t need insurance at Creation Chiropractic.

-Insurance doesn’t pay for true chiropractic.

-Insurance only pays to patch the problem.

-Insurance won’t pay to keep you healthy.


What happens during my appointments? 

-Visits are only a few minutes.

-Come in as much as you want or need.

-Open six days a week.

-No gowns or expensive exams, just pure chiropractic.


How will chiropractic help me?

-It gets to the cause of your problem.

-It allows your body to function properly.

-It helps you get right and stay right.

-It will help you understand your problem.

-It will help you avoid unnecessary medical care.

Can You Hear Me Now?

Posted: February 2, 2016
By: Vicki Fox

Written by Dr. Matthew Alvord DC, DPhCS

Over half of all children in the US have an ear infection by the time they are one, more than 80 percent by age three, and almost all will have at least one ear infection by age five. This accounts for 25 million office visits annually with direct costs for treatment estimated at $3 billion. Ear infections are no laughing matter.

Part of the problem is how we view the problem. Ear infections aren’t an ear problem. The ears are like tornado sirens hanging off the side of our heads. If the tornado siren went off in the middle of the night, what would you think if a disgruntled neighbor came storming out of their house, a pair of scissors in hand, looking to cut the power to the blaring horn? We might have silence for a while but we also know there was a very good reason why that siren went off in the first place. Inevitably, we would have to deal with the aftermath that followed. If we disconnect the siren, the tornado is still coming, but if we don’t disconnect the siren, the tornado is still coming just the same. And we can’t heed the warning if we don’t understand the warning. 

If a child has an ear infection, we also have several ways to look at the problem. If we demonize the infected ear by just treating it, we will miss the bigger issue of why the ear is infected in the first place.  Ears don’t all of a sudden get bored and go off like a faulty siren. There is a very good reason for why the body does every single thing it does. 

If we take a step even further back, we can appreciate that the immune system is what controls every infection in the body, so a properly functioning immune system is essential with every infection, including ear infections. But what controls the immune system? The nervous system controls and coordinates every single function of the entire body, including the immune system, so the nervous system ultimately controls the ears and their infections.

The nervous system is comprised of your brain, your spine and all the nerves that control every cell in your body. Interference frequently happens in the spinal when bones misalign and put pressure on the nerves connecting your brain and your body. This compromises immune function and makes your body more susceptible to all infections, including ear infections.

Millions of desperate parents drag their compromised children into the next pediatrician hoping that the 20th, 30th or 40th round of antibiotics will do the “trick.” Unfortunately, even if the antibiotic treats the present condition, it has been shown that taking antibiotics for ear infections can increase the rate of re-occurrence of the infection six times higher than doing nothing at all! And similar studies also show that these same children are more prone to many other immune system related problems later on in life as well.

The best an antibiotic can do is to win the battle but lose the war. And this war is being fought on a much bigger field than just the eardrum of the child. It is taking place in the immune systems and the nervous system of the entire body. So when we hear that misaligned spinal bones can lead to ear infections, our culture needs to start looking at this problem differently if it wants to truly get to the cause of this problem. Can you hear me now?

The Power That Made The Body Heals The Body!

Posted: January 14, 2016
By: Vicki Fox

Written by Dr. Matthew Alvord DC, DPhCS


The power of proper chiropractic care is great. But you don't have to take my word for it. Here is a note that one of our patients sent us recently:

“I came to Creation Chiropractic for chronic neck pain, and I would only return if my neck was stiff or if I fell or lifted something too heavy and my back hurt. So in the beginning, I didn’t come in consistent, just once in awhile. (PLEASE NOTE:  Dr. Matt has a picture of an iceberg.  This is on purpose, to remind me there is so much more under the surface then I realize.  The meaning for me is there is so much more than pain.  What’s underneath that, what’s the source?)

As far as symptoms go, I had chronic neck pain, back pain with my monthly period, irritability and occasional knee pain. I also had some neurological issues…dizziness, imbalance, numbness and tremors in my hands, as well as an uneven gate when I walked. (My biggest problem was that I would fall, usually hard and without warning. I broke a lot of furniture, bruised myself extensively, and got a black eye once after falling on the garage cement floor. This really worried me because I could have been knocked unconscious. I needed to do something and get some answers). I walked “funny” to the left when I wanted to go straight and I had a nystagmus (rapid back ad forth eye movement which for me also causes the room to spin either up or down or side to side, like a bad TV). I was also angry a lot and very argumentative (a big crabby pants) and I’ve had chronic sinus problems my whole life and headaches from time to time.

I think I had chronic neck and back pain my entire adult life. With the chronic sinus problems my entire life, I had a lot of colds, sore throats as a child, sinus headaches and congestion as an adult. I could never vacuum without serious back pain for days afterward.  My back would just kill me. At home I was always told that I overdid it and that’s why I had back pain.

Women, I always thought “the curse” included back pain and that’s the way it was, part of “the curse”. I haven’t had back pain with my period since I’ve been adjusted regularly. That was a big surprise…NO PAIN!! So, yes ladies, you can be pain free during your period…amazing!!

At a certain point, I was spending thousands of dollars seeing multiple specialists, three of which were well-respected neurologists and all that was happening was I was being referred to other specialists for more tests. No one had any answers for me! No one could tell me why I had these conditions and no one was helping! Just more appointments for more tests! The only doctor that was actually helping improve my symptoms was Dr. Matt. I have seen multiple MD’s, physical therapists, other chiropractors and had massages. I would also buy the giant bottle of Advil and almost eat them like candy.

Dr. Matt is very PASSIONATE about what he does and REALLY CARES about his patients. You know how people say things like “I don’t know what to say, I can’t thank you enough”. Well, I understand that expression a lot more now. I have plenty to say and I think it will never be enough. I could say…he saved my life!! Definitely, he saved the quality of my life!! I really have to think hard to remember what the pain was like before, which is a miracle, that pain is not something constantly there anymore. The best thing I ever did was to commit to getting adjusted on a regular basis. It just clicked for me while I was waiting for an adjustment, how the spine and nervous system are connected, how being in alignment affects your whole body and it just made sense to me.

I set a goal of coming in at least two to three times a week consistently, no matter what! (Until Dr. Matt said otherwise). After the realization that his care was helping me, I started listening more to what he was saying and actually doing what he said. My improvements and changes included:

-I no longer walk with a cane.

-I rarely fall now, maybe three times a year verses up to 4-3 times a day.

-My gate has improved.

-I don’t have back pain with my period.

-I don’t have numb hands anymore.

-I don’t have or rarely have back pain.

-I don’t have neck pain.

-I no longer have knee pain.

-I also stopped getting chronic sinus infections and headaches.

-I rarely get sick or get a cold. If I do get a cold it doesn’t last very long.

I got my life back!!! Without Dr. Matt, I would be on disability or worse. The neurologist told me to file for disability, that there wasn’t anything more he could do, that my condition would probably get worse and that I may be in a wheelchair in five years or so. Needless to say, I was a little upset. I had just turned 50, my kids were finishing college, I had plans and they sure didn’t include wheelchairs and disability.

For now, I’m still working, I just started exercising and swimming for now but I will do other things later. I forgot how much I love to exercise! (I used to run years ago and have plans to do that again). I can actually clean my house without falling and breaking furniture…that’s really big for me…even though it seems so simple and “every-dayish” to people. I can load my dishwasher; before the side-to-side movement of loading it would cause so much dizziness that I would hang on the sink to prevent me from falling into the dishwasher or breaking off the door. I can vacuum without back pain or falling over. My attitude about life is more positive! I think some chiropractors are good, some are not as skilled and some have a gift. Dr. Matt has a gift. I would give a BIG yes to recommending Dr. Matt.”

A New “Yule”

Posted: December 29, 2015
By: Vicki Fox

Written by Dr. Matthew Alvord DC, DPhCS

The phrase “yule” is derived from the old Norse word for “wheel,” and “yule tide” refers to the moment when the cycle of the year is at its low point, ready to rise again. It’s a time for renewal, restoration and re-creation. In fact, our namesake at Creation Chiropractic comes directly from this concept. Some assume there is a religious connotation, but it’s actually just a simple reference to the cause and effect relationship of life; the creation of life from two cells and one Creator, matter from the immaterial, life from seemingly nothing.  

But it’s that “nothing” that is everything. When it comes to your life, what matters is if it can come to you in the first place. In order for life to be expressed, there can’t be any interference between the intelligence that made you and youInnate intelligence is specifically communicated throughout your entire body via your nervous system. This system connects your brain to your big toe, and everything in between. When the bones in your back misalign, they interfere with the intentions of the Creator that made you from two cells and creation can only happen when there is no interference to the cause of life. Spinal subluxations always cause your life to be less than what it should be and could be and since your nervous system controls and coordinates everything in your body, it also controls and coordinates your body’s ability to adapt to your outside world as well. So all your experiences, hopes, dreams and every single one of your New Year’s resolutions depend on your ability to relate to the new year through your nervous system. It’s a must for every resolution.

Maybe spinal subluxations have been tapping away at your energy, aspirations and expectations for so long, you don’t have goals for the New Year. Maybe they are just so low that you aren’t excited about the future at all.  Or maybe you haven’t even thought about what is possible when your life is at full expression.

Sometimes, life isn’t that bad but it isn’t that good either. But how would you know? If we get used to something long enough, we could just assume that that is the way it’s supposed to be. And most people can get used to a dimly lit room.

Everyone gets spinal subluxations, whether we have any symptoms or not. If you are lucky, you will have feedback from your body telling you to do something. Anything. But most people have no idea that they need to have their spines checked for subluxations because there aren’t any obvious indication to do otherwise. Most people think they are healthy until they are not. After all, most hospital beds are full of people who felt fine yesterday. It doesn’t have to be that way.

So here we are, at the beginning of another year of our lives. Another yule tide, another you tide, a chance for re-creation of the spirit that celebrates inside you, if it is just given that chance. A new YULE! We can either improve ourselves by making sure we are expressing life at our best or we can let our lives fall away into another year of mediocrity of a lesser life with interference. Make sure that your first resolution is to a visit a chiropractor so you can remove the interference to the rest of your New Year’s resolutions. Your future depends on it.
